Saturday, 30 April 2011

Wedding Rememberances

Well this is more wedding photos than rememberances because I was going to do this yesterday but sometimes life gets in the way. (Besides 3/4 of my followers were around for all this ;) )

                                                     A few engagement photos

And a few (okay, several) wedding ones
The Ceremony

The Kiss    

The Sluys side

The Bleakney side

The Parents

The Bride and Ring Bearer

The Sisters

 The Bride

The Bride and Groom

The Wedding Party

And that is a glimpse of a memory (I have more than 600 wedding photos!)

Thursday, 28 April 2011

Wee bit Wednesday (on Thursday)

I really meant to do this yesterday but we didn't have internet (maintenance) til the evening and then I was too busy with family time so here it is this morning.

{one} have you ever been stuck in an elevator?
Not really...Once I thought I was but then I realized I hadn't pushed a button yet....

{two} have you ever ridden on an elephant?
Yes, actually, I have

{three} have you ever met a well known celebrity?
I have met several Christian Musicians including the members of Starfield and I also crossed a street in Vancouver with Hilary and Haylie Duff

{four} do you have any food allergies?
No, but I do claim to be allergic to sesame seeds sometimes

{five} do you know how to sew?
Yes, I do. I am not super good at it but I know how. I mostly sew by hand because I don't own a machine yet.

{six} did you get an allowance when you were young?

{seven} how often do you fill up your gas tank?
Maybe 5 or 6 times a year. My husband fills it up 2 or 3 times a week though.

{eight} have you ever been stung by a jelly fish?

{nine} have you ever been robbed?
Yes. Someone stole my CD player from my car! They filled my glovebox with CD's. I guess it was either their way of making it even or a sadistic cruelty...

{ten} what is the worst haircut you’ve ever had?
Grade 12 I got short choppy layers. Very late '70s look. It was fine when I had it clipped and tied back but the worst when it was loose. It was also terrible because I got it at the beginning of field hockey season and it was always in the way.

Wednesday, 13 April 2011

Wee Bit Wednesday

{one} have you ever fainted?
I've blacked out but never fainted

{two} what is your favorite casino game?
Definitely bowling

{three} do you have a good sense of direction?
In the woods or a mall, yes. Driving, sometimes

{four} laptop or desktop?

{five} what is your go-to hair style when having a bad hair day?
Two braids and a chic hat

{six} do you read the newspaper on a daily basis?
No, but I read the local paper weekly and the Province occasionally

{seven} do you have a favorite celebrity chef?

{eight} what tv show would you like to make a guest appearance on?
Super Why

{nine} do you have satellite radio in your car?

{ten} what was the last movie that made you cry?

Tuesday, 12 April 2011

Solitary Togetherness

I am lounging on my bed as I write this with my husband playing guitar beside me. It is nice after a day filled with buyness and people to just relax in our own things. I so enjoy just listening to Boone play his guitar and sing softly. Right now he is working on figuring out a Metallica song he will be playing for a wedding in June. What a choice for a bridal party and bride entry song!Amazingly enough, my incredibly talented husband makes it sound good; even the type of music one would associate with memory music.
You know those times in your life where the right music is playing and it just feels like one of those moments that will live on in your memory forever? That's what this simple time of solitary togetherness is feeling like for me as I listen to him play. Moments that happen frequently do tend to stik though, I suppose, music or not. I think I will get ready for sleeping soon though as I've been up since 4:30 and have to get up at 5 tomorrow morning. Another busy day tomorrow.
And I'm out!

Tuesday, 5 April 2011

In With The New

You can't tell on your screen but on mine this looks really different. I'm typing this up on a brand new computer. No longer do I have time to make and eat breakfast while I wait for my computer to turn on. No longer do I have to take an hour to do a five minute computer task. Open three programs at once? Sure, why not! Sadly, this isn't hyperbole. My old computer really was that slow. I literally could not play solitaire and type in a word program or go online at the same time. Our old computer was a hand-me down (gotten rid of because it was no longer working well) and got worse with time (we had it for a year and eight months). My new computer is a laptop; shiny, silver, an inch thick and amazing. The key board lights up! It is very nice for typing on and the track pad works like a dream.

Here's a little piece of drama from the process of getting a new computer. Or rather, from getting rid of the old one.
Boone (as I will be referring to my husband as) began cleaning the computer desk up and unplugging things. My little brother came in and took the tower away. My three-year-old(I shall refer to her by the name of Cutie-Pie) is beginning to get a little concerned. Boone asks me whether we should thrift the monitor or recycle it. Cutie-Pie starts in, "But we have to have a computer! You can't throw it out! We have to have a computer!" She was getting so worked up about it and I couldn't help but laughing. Boone, however, being the amazing Dad that he is, sat down with her and explained what was happening so nicely that we didn't get any waterworks. I think the real selling point for her was, "Remember how you always have to wait so long for colouring pictures to print? Well, our new computer can print things super fast."

On a separate note, I watched Psych tonight. If you haven't heard of it, you should look it up. It's a TV show filmed in White Rock. Oddly enough though it is only aired in USA and difficult to find in Canada (even online). We watched it at