You can't tell on your screen but on mine this looks really different. I'm typing this up on a brand new computer. No longer do I have time to make and eat breakfast while I wait for my computer to turn on. No longer do I have to take an hour to do a five minute computer task. Open three programs at once? Sure, why not! Sadly, this isn't hyperbole. My old computer really was that slow. I literally could not play solitaire and type in a word program or go online at the same time. Our old computer was a hand-me down (gotten rid of because it was no longer working well) and got worse with time (we had it for a year and eight months). My new computer is a laptop; shiny, silver, an inch thick and amazing. The key board lights up! It is very nice for typing on and the track pad works like a dream.
Here's a little piece of drama from the process of getting a new computer. Or rather, from getting rid of the old one.
Boone (as I will be referring to my husband as) began cleaning the computer desk up and unplugging things. My little brother came in and took the tower away. My three-year-old(I shall refer to her by the name of Cutie-Pie) is beginning to get a little concerned. Boone asks me whether we should thrift the monitor or recycle it. Cutie-Pie starts in, "But we have to have a computer! You can't throw it out! We have to have a computer!" She was getting so worked up about it and I couldn't help but laughing. Boone, however, being the amazing Dad that he is, sat down with her and explained what was happening so nicely that we didn't get any waterworks. I think the real selling point for her was, "Remember how you always have to wait so long for colouring pictures to print? Well, our new computer can print things super fast."
On a separate note, I watched Psych tonight. If you haven't heard of it, you should look it up. It's a TV show filmed in White Rock. Oddly enough though it is only aired in USA and difficult to find in Canada (even online). We watched it at