Wednesday, 30 March 2011

Day 3

Good morning, Wednesday! Today I woke up at 5:45 (and also was up from 3:30 to 4). I have a terrible head cold so when I got up I felt like I wouldn't be able to stay up. As I made my husband's lunch though, I realized that I could breath better than I had been while in bed (obviously...). So I am up, have had my coffee and feel pretty good. I am happy with the way I've been spending my mornings. Yesterday morning (up at 5:45 too) I spent two hours planning a surprise date for Friday night. I am pretty stoked about it! Today I need to do some youth work for Sunday night and then I'm taking some girls from youth group shopping in Mission. Woohoo!!

I was going to post on here about a couple of very exciting things coming up in the Fraser Valley but then I realized that my followers are pretty much already in the know about them so I will just say one thing about it all: YAY!!!!!!!!!!
So incredibly excited!!!!
And I'm out.


  1. *hugs*
    My morning was similar - minus the head-cold!

  2. I don't know if I'm in the know or not! I'm glad your mornings are going well and I hope you will be able to rub some of that off on me!
    Love you, Viv!
