Monday, 22 October 2012

Cloth diapering

When my second baby was almost one we moved to a place that had an in-unit washer (and dryer but that has nothing to do with this). I had never really considered doing cloth for my first baby but when my second came I decided I would use cloth if we had laundry in our home. Well, we moved and I bought diapers. I paid more than I should have for every single diaper I bought; I was not as well informed as I should have been before starting. At least I only bought 11 diapers, though. I cloth diapered for 3ish months and guess what? I hated it! Then I got pregnat and the smell of the dirty diapers was more than I could bear. So I switched back to Pampers, which I love. When baby #3 came, I used Pampers because I was scared to try cloth again and because I love Swaddlers. I love their smell, their feel and the little yellow line that turns blue when they need a change. About half way through the box I just finished I decided I wouldn't be buying another box. So we have been doing cloth diapers for 3 or 4 days now and guess what? I still hate it! There are all those moms out there who say they love cloth diapering and I believe they do but I don't get it! What is so lovable about cloth diapering? Is it saving 30-35 dollars a month (once your baby has worn the cloth enough to pay them off, which is about 5wears/$ spent)? Is it the 'green' thing? (Which, honestly, unless you use organic cotton, hemp, or bamboo, I'm not so sure how much 'greener' it is. I've read studies etc.) 
We will stick with cloth diapering at least until the new year and hopefully longer since I already own the diapers but I doubt I will ever love it!


  1. I tried cloth diapering in the very beginning with my daughter and was so disappointed! She was leaking all over her clothes and it was just gross. Then I tried other brands and now I love it. My daughter gets a rash from disposables and now I never have to use creams!

  2. We are now doing part time cloth diapering and I am liking it a lot better now. I realized that one of the reasons I hated it so much was that I don't have enough diapers (only 11) so it was stressful making sure they were clean and dry before I was on my last one and I was washing only 3 at a time so it seemed as wasteful as disposables. I only hang dry my diapers so we do 2 to 4 days with cloth then 2 days disposable. Somehow none of my daughters have ever had rashes no matter what they wear. I am very blessed by that
