Wednesday, 18 May 2011

The Love of the Father

This morning I was thinking about how much I love my daughters, which made me think about love in other relationships. I've always thought I appreciated how much God loves me but being a parent has taught me much more about love than I even knew there was to learn. The love of a parent for her children is overwhelming. I know my parents love me and I know God loves me but until this morning I never really thought about how little my love for them must be when compared to how much they love me. I love my children more than I can express with words or even actions, even when they are driving me crazy, even when they alternate waking up all night and I don't get any sleep, even when they disobey, even when they push me away and walk/run to do something on their own. I love them in a way that they probably won't understand until they have kids of their own.
Being struck with this reminds me of two actions I need to take away with it. I need to make a point of spending more time with my heavenly Father and with my Dad and Mom; talk with them about life, hug them, talk about memories with them, thank them for the love they have taught me to have just by being such a great example of it. Secondly, I need to continue to love my daughters and teach them the love of God.

1 comment:

  1. Just popping by to see if you'd updated - wow lady I can't believe you've been married for over 4 years! I mean.. I know that.. but wow! :)
