Monday, 30 May 2011

More Shellfish? Yes please! Less Selfish? Please, God!

I am so sick of selfishness!! Lately, everywhere I see problems, hear of problems or have problems I have just been seeing theroot of selfishness; this huge, tangled, nasty mass of self-centered feelings leading into self-centered attitudes, producing self-centered behaviors.

Every morning I read Our Daily Bread. Today's tag line is The more we serve Christ, the less we will serve self.   So as Christians, shouldn't we be Christ-centered rather than self-centered? Or at the very least, at least sometimes act like we are not selfish little brats?

Sometimes I just want to tell people to (or yell at them to) stop acting like 3 year-olds who think the world revolves around them but lately I just want to encourage them to take a step back and look at what's happening and to listen to what they are saying. I would love to share some of things I have heard others saying that I want to challenge but there are some great examples that I can use that I don't need to ask permission for, namely, and unfornutately, my own.
Example:  "My husband didn't bring me a present. He knows my love language is gifts and he brought our daughters something. Where's my gift?" This is an actual thought that I caught myself having recently. I am so glad that I caught it before I acted out in selfishness. 

I have been working very hard on fighting selfishness in my own life in the last couple weeks especially. Right now it seems like the more I work on becoming Christ-centered, the more I am attacked by things that make me want to act on selfish thoughts but at the same time, working on focusing on Christ makes it easier and easier to catch myself at the feeling of selfishness and not get to the behavoir of it.

So here's my advice:
Having problems with marriage, friendships, children/motherhood, other family remationships?
 STOP BEING SO SELFISH! Get over yourself; it is not all about you!

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